Friday, April 2, 2010

My First "Printed Part"

Theres this program out h called Pepakura. I have designer 2 of this program from an old life.
This program can take an STL model and Skin it. Turning it in to a 2d image that can but cut out and then folded back in to a 3d model. Download the pdo for this object
This is how i printed a part with out a 3d printer.

This is what i did in 15 mins of cutting and 5 mins of glueing

Screen shot of the program. On the left you have the object in this case is the Frame Vertex for a mendal. On the right is the 2d of the object. Pepakura let's you move around any face on the object in the 2d area. Joining edge's for folding or glueing. There's all so an auto unfold that works well, but all most all ways need so help on getting the object on one piece of paper or making it easyer to build it item.

printed page from pepakura

Cut page from pepakura

Cut out from the page

after the first folding of the paper

Just after Glue. white glue works well. dont use to much or it will take ages to cure


Unknown said...

I build paper models, and honestly never thought to feed my mendel parts into Pepakura, which I use every so often.

now I really feel stupid.

Jeff Keegan said...


bunjatec said...

I wonder if this could be adaped to make working parts..

for example using 'plastic card' and glue in plastic tubes in the screw holes for strength.

if they were anywhere near strong enough this could be an easy way to get the printed parts with only a 2d printer, a knife, some glue and a lot of patience.. :)

Longertoes said...

In the past i have used resin to paint the out side to make it solid. then pour in plaster to make a part.

this could be used the same to make a one off peice

Marauder said...

I really like this. you could cut out the holes, insert short lengths of 8mm Al rod coated in releasing agent, and then pour PU resin in to make the part. Let it set... send a little and you have yourself a working corner vertex.

Slight change to the process would be to pour wax in, then dip/paint in silicone resin to get a more re-usable mould.

Longertoes said...

I had a Craftrobo, that someone is sending me. It helps on cutting out the parts, give a better shape. This part was hand cut with scissors.
The harder shape's are round, but you could get Mostly round.

I foldded this with the tabs on the inside. you could do the same with the tabs on the out side to get better temp mold on the inside