Friday, March 26, 2010

So far just following the build for the McWire.

i have not mounted the steppers yet. but i did add the threaded rod.

this is a 285MM LEAD-SCREW AND FOLLOWER from (it looks to be sold out. And i would not know wear to get more).
mounting this was harder then i thought it would be. What i endded up doing on the X and Y axis was cutting C Blocks out of MDF. tapping them for a 4 40 screw to lock the Follower in place. you can see the bolt at an angle in the photo.
Then tapping a 4 40 screw to hold the bock in place from the top of the board.
It works well, i can adjust the lead screw up and down, and change the angle left and right. we will see how it holds. I cant change the angle the lead screw up and down. that angle is based on the face of the inside of the C block.

i tryed doing this with out the c blocks, just cutting out the shape of the follower, and tapping the mdf, what happen was me splitting the mdf.

This is how i messd up on mounting it. i endded up cuting out the bad part.

The new lead screw should give me a faster travel speed on the X and Y axis. As i hear the slow pitch of the 1/4 threaded rod is one of the biggest down sides of the mcwire. This may be a fix for me, but not for the masses. As the rod's can not be rebought

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some time on the build

After getting 95% of the mcwire built.

Stay away from acrylic. It cracks, it shatters, its just bad. For the bed use mdf, its cheaper, easyer to cut, and there less waist because of cracking. if you use anything thicker then 1/4in then you will need longer bolts.I ended up just drilling down and ressesing the bolts's

For the swing arms once they brake i will be making them out of aluminum sheet's.

The most importation holes to drill are the aluminum channel. They need to be centered. If there not then its hard to get them centered. And then you cant get the nut in to the channel.

i will be posting photos once i get my camera back

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spending money

Not much has happen besides spending alot(for me) of money.

From makerbot
  • Bearings, 2 sets $10
  • Arduino MEGA $65
  • 5LB of ABS $50
  • 3 opto end stops $9
  • shipping $22
total $151

  • aluminum channel $20
  • aluminum angle $11
  • shipping $14
total $46

  • A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier x 4 $55
  • shipping $5
total $60

From Alltronics

  • Bipolar stepper motor x4 $32
  • shipping $13
total $44

all of the fittings total $61

  • pipe fittings $20
  • acrylic $20
total $40

So far i have spent 402. Which is more then i though it would be. It could be lower, but i wanted to just order the stuff. before i was shopping around for items getting the best deals. Now i just want to make some more progress on it.
But thinking about it i might have only save 30 bucks on the McMaster order.

What is left. Parts for the extruder, putting all the electronic together. So wire's connectors, stripboards, cap, and resisters . Its funny how you think i am almost there untell you make the list of things you don't have.

I hope this gives people an idea of how much you will spend on making a mcwire